Your vehicle needs tires. No tires, no ride. Sometimes you need guidance to make a good decision about when to replace
your tires and what tires to buy. Having access to expert counsel can help. You take care to have your tires filled with the right amount of air to maximize operating efficiency of your vehicle. You have your tires rotated from time to time and you even replace them from time to time or change them out when seasonal changes recommend switching. When you get a flat tire, what do you do? You have it repaired or replaced depending on the condition of the
tire. You don’t do it yourself as a rule. You get help.

The automotive industry has seen fit to supply you with a variety of levels of assistance related to your tires. And when it comes to your car, a good tire maintenance program can serve you with a measure of reliability and peace of mind so you can trust your tires to do the job with confidence.

Think of having a coach as being your personalized performance improvement program. It’s like having a guidance system available to you to discuss decision-making matters. Your coach is there for you as a professional listener…to hear you, to reflect upon your thinking, to ask good questions, to make suggestions and to help you draw on your experience and expertise.

Coaching is about maintenance and it’s about growth. It’s about improving performance…yours and then those whom you lead. It’s about trust and consistency and reliability. It’s about building confidence as you expand your skills to work with your team and improve your practice as a leader, as an entrepreneur and as an executive.

Coaching is not about pumping up your tires with hot air and then having your tires go flat when the air cools. Coaching is about performance improvement…with individualized, positive, sustained support.

What if having a coach meant having someone in your court who gets you and who doesn’t rain on your parade…someone who cheers you on when you have things to celebrate and someone who listens …really listens. What if your coach was your confidential confidante?

If you have not had the luxury of experiencing what it feels like to be heard…really heard, think about having a session with a coach and discover the difference a professional listener can make. 

Who would you like to be your coach? How about giving yourself a 90-day challenge working with a coach targeting a change you want to achieve? Make an appointment. Get started today.