How is Coaching Like Looking After Your Tires?

How is Coaching Like Looking After Your Tires?

Your vehicle needs tires. No tires, no ride. Sometimes you need guidance to make a good decision about when to replaceyour tires and what tires to buy. Having access to expert counsel can help. You take care to have your tires filled with the right amount of air to...
Setting Your Stage as an Executive Leader

Setting Your Stage as an Executive Leader

Let’s say that you are playing the role of a person who is confident yet light-hearted and decisive yet open-minded. How would you portray your character’s characteristics with your body? How would you show these qualities with your face? How would you bring these...
Introducing Donna P Dahl

Introducing Donna P Dahl

Donna P Dahl, M. Ed, started her writingcareer using a pencil and paper. Whenthe technology advanced to computers,her keyboarding skills graduated fromhunt and peck to occasional gusts of 30to 50 words per minute—not that anyonewas ever keeping track. That Field...